COMING NEXT: Las Vegas at the Wynn and Encore (part two)--
Never Leave Home without them!
While we edit mouth-watering pictures and dot the "i's" for that article which will appear next, we are reminded of the superlative service that we found at the restaurants of the Encore and Wynn, and so in contrast we bring you:
10 Most Annoying Restaurant
- “Who had the _______”. Really? Is going out to dinner an experience of auctioning off food? Can the waiter simply write down the seat numbers and deliver the food in peace? Please.
- You make a reservation and the host writes it down. A day or so later someone from the restaurant bothers you with a call to confirm the reservation, and if there is a message, you are now forced to confirm the reservation confirming the reservation. Are we really 10 years old and need reminding to get to school on time?
- Your party arrives, and the Host refuses to seat you when the table is clearly available, suggesting you go to the bar so you can run up a tab. Forget it; hover around the host and they’ll seat you quickly.
- The Host refuses to seat you when the table is clearly available because your entire party is not there. So if we dined alone, then it would be okay to sit down, but because we’re bringing more money to the restaurant ticket then we should somehow be forced to wait while someone parks their car?
- When a waiter tries to intimidate you into buying bottled water that is more expensive than gasoline and pollutes our world with unnecessary trash. “Do you want sparkling or flat?” How about plain old table water that is probably better for you anyway.
- When you ask the waiter what’s good on the menu and he or she says, “Everything”. Translation: “Everything tastes the same.” Clearly they have no discerning tastes and have not been treated to the food; maybe bussing the dirty dishes would be a more suitable job since “everything” looks the same at that point.
- When you ask the waiter about an item on the menu and they tell you they haven’t tasted it. If we wanted someone to just write down your choices, we could probably do it better ourselves and hand it in to the cook. Isn’t it their “job” to taste the food they serve?
- When you place your order with the waiter and 10 minutes later they come back with “bad news”; the item is sold out. So they didn’t know this when they took the order, or when they dropped off the order, or when they told the kitchen or at some point before we settled into our selection. There’s nothing more fun than having to choose what to eat under pressure while the rest of the table is interrupted from conversation and stares at you.
- When you are seated at your table and waiters are rushing all around you but no one bothers to ask you if you would like or drink, or would like a bread selection. The longer it takes them, the more bread and drinks you need.
And the top ten disgusting
trait at a restaurant:
- “Are you still working on that?” Oh-my-gawd will someone please train their help? We all work hard and when we sit down and enjoy a meal, the last thing we want is a waiter or a busser to remind you that even at a meal you have to work. And where does this term of speech come from anyway? What farm table did they sit at where you had to work on the meal to get it into their mouth?
Do you have annoying restaurant traits you would like to add to our list? Feel free to send us your sugggestions and comments at
Catch us next time when we continue part 2 of our Wynn and Encore stories.
Appetizingly yours,
Michael and Scott
The Dining Duo